Our ePoster solutions can display both PDF and PNG files. Recently, we updated our system to automatically convert PDF ePoster files to PNG ePoster files as PDF takes longer to load. With this update, the loading speed of the posters is significantly improved. We recommend that both PNG and PDF files have a resolution of 2384 x 3370 px @ 72 DPI, as per our previous guidelines. However, if the submitted poster doesn’t have the specified resolution, our system will automatically convert the PDF file to the nearest recommended resolution. Additionally, our system can detect whether the poster is designed in landscape and will make the necessary adjustments to display it correctly on the ePosters board list.
In summary, here are the steps:
Login to the dashboard
Click on Digital Posters
Click on Events
Select the Event you want to add posters to
Click on Add Poster
To add a poster click on the Add Poster button or the + button
- Enter the following fields in the Poster Details
- Poster Title (mandatory) – will be displayed under the poster and will be concatenated if it’s too long
- Group – Select the group to add the poster
- Poster Description – a description for the poster
- Poster Author – will be displayed under the poster
- Product Categories – will be used for filtering
Click on Select Image/PDF and upload the file. When uploading PDF files, our system will automatically convert the PDF to PNG and resize the image.
We recommend using portrait orientation posters as the screen is in portrait orientation and landscape posters may not display correctly.
Select the folder to store the Posters
Drag and drop the file and select Start upload
Wait until the poster is completely uploaded and reaches 100%
You will see a tick once the poster is successfully uploaded and click the Return to file list
Select the poster you just uploaded
The Poster details will display the filename of the poster and the image
Press save once you have updated all the details
Once you press save, our system will notify the Kiosk a change was made and it will refresh the screen.
Avoid uploading the same filename to the system as the Kiosk will cache all the content locally meaning if you replace the poster with the same filename, the local cache may not update.